Tuesday, March 20, 2007

VDI vs. SBC vs. Traditional Desktops

Thanks to John in the comments, I made the trek over to VMware's site. Their VMTN blog linked to a great Brian Madden article comparing three desktop delivery methods.

I've always enjoyed Brian's material. He's a server-based fanboy without the annoying fanboy-ness. He's pretty level-headed, articulate and he puts his research in before he posts anything. His site is must read for anyone looking to implement server-based computing (SBC).

In this article, Brian spells out the advantages and disadvantages of VDI as compared to SBC and traditional desktops. I've been around technology for awhile and I've never found a one-size-fits all approach. Whenever someone is completely positive about something without acknowledging the drawbacks, I wonder about their bias. Brian doesn't worry me. He rightly points out that there are good reasons to use VDI and there are instances where it just won't fit.

I'm looking at VDI as possibly helping me with the the younger grades (I work in a K-12 public school). Their "Reader Rabbit" type programs don't run well on Terminal Servers.

There's still some research to do, so I'm following John's advice and heading over to the VMTN VDI forums now!

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