Google Support
Has anyone ever had trouble with Google Tech support? I've never been comfortable with their "no phone call" approach but figured that, in this day and age, it wouldn't be too bad. I've had two experiences with them one worked out OK, and one still hasn't worked out at all.
First Issue
The first issue was in setting up AdSense for this blog. There was some user error involved on my part and the issue did get resolved so I am not going to make to big a deal about it. The problem is that I only got a couple of form letters from Google. I still don't think that anyone there actually knows about my problem.
Second (Bigger) Issue
More troubling is the problem I am having with Google Apps for Your Domain (Education Edition). Back in September (2006), I set up a Standard Edition account to test it out. I thought it might be useful for the public school system I work for. Too few users allowed and too little incentive to change things at the time caused me to decide against going any further with it.
Then Google announced the Google Apps for Ed and I became interested again. The problem is that I registered the school's domain for the Standard Edition. I can't sign up for the Education version!
I wrote an email to Google explaining the problem and received a reply. Well, if you can consider an FAQ of common problems a reply, I did. I replied to that email and stated that it didn't resolve anything. Two weeks later, I still hadn't received a reply so I emailed again. I still haven't received an answer from them about this.
Microsoft may be a lot of things, but I always have been able to call them on the phone for support. Maybe we need to rethink what "doing evil" actually means...
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